Publications and presentations

In preparation

Chloé Colson, Philip K. Maini and Helen M. Byrne

Chloé Colson, Philip K. Maini, Helen M. Byrne and Tommaso Lorenzi


Chloé Colson, Faustino Sánchez-Garduño, Helen M. Byrne, Philip K. Maini, Tommaso Lorenzi

Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477.2256 (2021): 20210593

Chloé Colson, Helen M. Byrne and Philip K. Maini

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 84.8 (2022): 80

Chloé Colson, Philip K. Maini and Helen M. Byrne

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85.8 (2023): 74

